15 May 2007 - New approaches needed to help children in care - McGimpsey
Government must work together and develop new approaches to improving services for children in care, Health Minister, Michael McGimpsey, said today.
The Minister emphasised that implementing the Care Matters strategy will be key in delivering long-term, fundamental reform of services for children in care over the next decade and more.
Strengthening support to families and children who risk being taken into care whilst ensuring that children are properly protected;
Ensuring children who come into care are in the right placement and have stable placements (be that in foster care or in a children’s home);
Ensuring the new trust have the necessary arrangements in place to act as corporate parents for children in care;
Improving education opportunities for children in care;
· Providing children in care with opportunities to take part in activities outside school and care; and
Strengthening support to young people leaving care as they make the transition to adulthood.
Northern Ireland Minister speaks on Child Protection May 15 2007.
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